American Cancer Society
American Express Cards and referrals for wigs and prosthesis for individuals undergoing cancer treatment.
Breast Cancer & Cervical Cancer Screenings
Offers free breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings for Kansas Women ages 30-64 who meet eligibility requirements.
Cloud County Health Department
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Child Care Licensing
All persons providing day care in Cloud County must be licensed through KDHE, which is monitored by CCHD. Unannounced visits are made to assure compliance of day care providers.
Family Planning
Provide physical exams by area physicians and/or ARNP to all women requesting services for wellness checks; not only those requesting some form of contraception. Counseling on various forms of contraception and discussed and provided as requested along the AIDS awareness counseling and testing. Pregnancy testing and counseling is also available. Referrals of any abnormal findings are made as appropriate.